Yula.ai<!-- --> - <!-- -->Terms of use

Terms of use

These terms of use govern the access and use of the SaaS software Yula.ai, managed by NR DIGITAL BOOST. By registering and using Yula.ai, you agree to these terms in their entirety.

  1. Access and Registration

    All new users receive free access to app.yula.ai for a period of 7 days from the date of registration. This offer does not require any payment information and gives full access to Yula.ai features. At the end of the 7-day trial period, the user must choose a subscription plan to continue using the service. Payment is required to activate the subscription.

  2. Using the Service

    Users are authorized to use Yula.ai only for lawful activities and in accordance with established policies. Yula.ai must be used in a manner that does not interfere with its normal operation or the use of other users. Any attempt to manipulate the service, unauthorized access or misuse is strictly prohibited and may result in termination of access.

  3. Content and Intellectual Property

    Content generated by users remains their property, but the use of Yula.ai may require the granting of non-exclusive rights to NR DIGITAL BOOST for data processing. Yula.ai, the Yula.ai logo, and all graphics, photographs, logos, sounds, text, images and software appearing on the service are the intellectual property of NR DIGITAL BOOST or its licensors and are protected by intellectual property laws.

  4. Liability and Warranties

    NR DIGITAL BOOST does not warrant that the service will be error-free or continuously accessible. NR DIGITAL BOOST's liability for service failure or consequential damages is limited to the amount of fees paid by the user during the period in which the loss occurred.

  5. Termination and suspension

    Users may terminate their subscription to Yula.ai at any time via their user account. NR DIGITAL BOOST reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to Yula.ai in the event of non-compliance with these conditions or for any other serious reason.

  6. Modifications to the Terms

    NR DIGITAL BOOST reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Users will be informed of substantial modifications before they come into force.

  7. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

    These terms and conditions are governed by French law. Any dispute relating to their interpretation and/or execution shall be submitted to the French courts.

  8. Contact

    For any questions or complaints regarding Yula.ai or these terms, users are invited to contact support via the contact information provided on the Yula.ai website.